These are some of the most commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered below, feel free to contact us directly to speak with someone on our team below.
It depends on the deal. Our typical sales process takes 30-45 days. If there are no title issues, environmental issues or major concerns with the property, the soonest we can close the sale is within 5-7 days of opening escrow.
The sales process involves opening escrow with a reputable third-party escrow company, obtaining title insurance for the property and completing our due diligence period. After agreeing on the final sales price and closing date, we'll sign a purchase and sale agreement and open escrow with a third-party company. At this point, we will provide an earnest money deposit of 3% of the purchase price. The escrow and title company will then contact you to sign the necessary closing documents required by the state. Once we've completed our due diligence and are satisfied with the property's condition, we'll send the closing funds to escrow to finalize the sale.
The only fees you'll need to pay are escrow and title fees at closing. If there are any liens or taxes owed on the property, they will be paid from the sale proceeds at escrow closing. You won't have to pay any real estate commissions.
Yes, we purchase the property in as-is condition. You don't need to clean up or remove any trash before closing. The only requirement is that any title issues affecting ownership must be resolved, as we need to obtain a clear title without encumbrances.
Yes, we will physically inspect every property before finalizing the purchase.
We purchase properties all-cash and do not need additional time to obtain financing.
We can work with you if you need additional time to find an exchange property prior to closing escrow.
We prefer to use Fidelity National Title Insurance Company for escrow and title on all of our purchases.
Our main focus is purchasing land, but we also buy commercial and residential properties.
Do you buy conservation land or properties with environmental issues?
Yes, we buy all types of land on a case-by-case basis. If your property fits our buying criteria we will make an offer accordingly, whether it is for conservation purposes or has environmental issues.
We are based out of Orange County in Southern California. Most of our purchases are within California and Arizona, however, we can purchase land throughout the U.S and Mexico.